Careers for Art Graduates

Graduates with a degree in arts may find it difficult to choose their career path initially. Defining their goals might seem to be difficult with the large number of options and careers lined up in front of them. Generally many jobs seem to suit arts graduates but streamlining them according to your interest and ability is the important aspect.

Why Arts Graduates?

Arts graduates are believed to bring a wide range of skills such as critical thinking, clear communication, information management, design and planning skills, administration, and research and investigation skills.

Though we say a wide range of skills and wide scope for arts graduates, it does not mean that an arts graduate can become a doctor or an engineer or a financial expert. For careers in science and finance arts is not the line for you. At the same time there are many other doors that can look better and offer better scope to skilled arts graduates. You can pursue courses in psychology, biological sciences, languages, political science, economics, and foreign languages to increase your potential.

Let us take a look at various job opportunities available for an arts graduate.

• Arts – You can get into commercial arts, media, art therapy and photography based jobs where creativity and innovation are required besides qualification. You can work with advertising firms and media companies; alternatively take up freelance photography as a career.

• Psychology - Various departments of companies such as retail management, sales, research, education and market research requires proficient arts graduates to perform various tasks pertaining to their services.

• Political science – Those with a political science majors or similar background are welcomed in journalism, non-profit businesses, media and broadcasting.

• Languages – With an arts degree and an additional qualification in languages, you can move into writing and communication related professions.

• Mainstream jobs – You can work in the government by joining the IAS, in the industry by going through an MBA, or even become a lawyer by going through a law programme.

Other than the mentioned fields arts graduates can also expect good career opportunities in tourism, government agencies, banking, publishing, news media, museums, libraries and teaching.

It’s a fact that the number of degree programs and courses available for arts graduates opens several career possibilities and job opportunities. The degree prepares the candidates to take on any career avenue they wish. So it is always better to decide your goal first and choose the right arts degree to set out in the right career path. 

After 10th, Careers With Different Subjects

Entrance Exam


Steve Jobs, chief executive officer and co-founder of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, urged graduates to pursue their dreams, follow their interests & curiosities and see the opportunities in life's setbacks-- including death itself.