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Personalized Assessment and Advice
How will your strengths, talents, values and aptitude translate into interests that will influence your career choices? Will you excel in a 9 to 5 job or that which allows expression of your creative talents?
Take the career test. Understand yourself.
Study Streams
Arts, Commerce or Science after 10th?
What’s the right course for you after 12th?
Identify courses and study streams ideally suited for you. Find out where your education will take you.
Explore career tracks that are right for you and your interests.
Doctor, engineer, lawyer, musician,
designer ... what would you rather be?
Explore, discover and choose.
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"I didn’t know which stream to pick after 10th, and courses after 12th. I loved subjects from across the streams of Science, Arts, and Commerce. CareerLever showed me the implications of my choices and helped me decide. CareerLever brought clarity of purpose that even improved my academic performance."
----- Ansh Bhardwaj, Delhi
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MyInterests: How do your strengths and abilities and likes and dislikes translate into interests and how these interests will guide your professional choices.
Career Selector: Figure out how what you like to do can transform into career opportunities after you complete your education.
The Redo button under Mypursuits helps you explore and reexplore career opportunities and firm up your career choices.
Study Selector: The educational path to achieve your career plans is laid out here - your ideal study stream after 10th, the courses after 12th.
Career Validator: Have a career in mind? Find out your compatibility with it.
Invite your parents to join you in your career planning. Help them understand your professional interests and aspirations and receive their support.
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Your personal place on the internet to plan your career. Let the powerful CareerLever engine empower you. The more you use it the more it customizes to your specific needs.