Pharmacy, and Homeopathic and Ayurvedic Medicine based exam, applicable to colleges and institutes within Odisha, primarily for students who belong to Odisha.
Odisha JEE (Joint Entrance Examination) is a State Level Medical Entrance Examination for colleges and institutions within Odisha. It is governed by the Employment and Technical Education & Training (ETET) Department, Government of Odisha for students who belong to Odisha.
It is considered to be the most important State Level Entrance Examination in Odisha. It provides students with the opportunity to join undergraduate courses related to the fields of Pharmacy and Medicine. The Odisha – Joint Entrance Examination provides admission into various courses like B.Pharm, B.H.M.S and B.A.M.S.
MBBS and BDS admissions in Madhya Pradesh are conducted on the basis of the AIPMT.
Get an Overview of the Medical Admissions in India.
What are the eligibility criteria?
To be eligible for the for admission to colleges under Odisha State Category (S Category) you should have passed/appeared in your Class 12th exam from a recognized institutions within Odisha. You can also be eligible under this category if your parents are natives of Odisha. Children of Govt. employees serving in Odisha at the time of application are also eligible for admission under the Odisha State Category. It is to be kept in mind that a majority of the seats in colleges are reserved for this category.The other categories under which you can gain admission are: NRI-Non Resident Indians, ZZ-Outside State, OL- Oriyas (Odias) belonging to outlying Oriya (Odia) speaking tracts.
For admission into Pharmacy based courses, you should have passed your Class 12th exam from the Odisha Board or any other equivalent board with Physics, Chemistry and either one of Mathematics / Biotechnology / Biology / Technical Vocational Subject as your three main subjects. Also, you should have secured not less than 45% aggregate in these three subjects as well as passed all three of them individually. The minimum percentage requirement for SC/ST candidates is 40%.
For admission into the BHMS and BAMS courses, should have passed your Class 12th exam from the Odisha Board or any other equivalent board with Physics, Chemistry and Biology (Botany and Zoology) as your main subjects. You should have not scored less than 50% in these three subjects taken together. The minimum percentage requirement for SC/ST candidates is 40%. Also, you should not be less than 17 years of age and not more than 25 years of age on the 31st of December of the year of admission. For SC/ST candidates, the upper age limit is relaxed by 5 years.
Candidates who are appearing for their Class 12th exam in the same year as the Odisha JEE are also eligible for admission.
For any further information, please visit:
How to apply?
You can only apply for the Odisha JEE online.
The application forms are available at the following sites: or
Before you initiate the application process, you should have scanned copies of your signature and your left hand thumb impression ready in the computer to be uploaded online.
Once you click on the above mentioned link, make sure you open the correct application form as per your desired course. Undergraduate students will have to fill ‘Form – A’ for B.Pharm., BHMS, BAMS and MCA (Dual Degree).
You will have to submit the application form after filling in the details.
After submitting the form, you will get an auto – generated application number. Please take a note of this number as it might be used for further correspondence.
Once you submit the form, you will have to make the payment for the application. This can be done through credit/debit cards or through e-Challan mode for payment in the designated accounts of State Bank of India /Syndicate Bank.
If you choose to pay through the e-Challan mode, you will have to go the designated bank and make the payment. Then you will have to go back to the website the next day and enter the details of your payment and e - Challan.
Once you’ve made the payment (online or through e – Challan), you will get the confirmation page. Take a print out of this confirmation page as it can be used for future reference. Admit cards will only be available online on the OJEE website. Make you sure you download and print 2 copies of the admit card and get them endorsed by the invigilator of the examination center.
What is the pattern of the examination?
The exam will consist of objective type questions in the multiple choice format.
Each question will have four options with only one being correct.
The duration of the total paper will be 3 hours. The first part will consist of Physics / Chemistry and this will be compulsory for all candidates. The duration of Part 1 will be 2 hours.
Part 2 of the paper will either consist of Math or Biology depending on your subject choice. The duration of the Part 2 paper will be 1 hour.
Candidates appearing for Pharmacy have to appear for Part 1 (Physics and Chemistry) and Part 2 (Math) or Part 2 (Biology) or both. You will be ranked on the basis of your performance in PCM or PCB, whichever is higher (if you attempt both Biology and Math).
Candidates appearing for BHMS and BAMS courses have to appear for Part 1 (Physics and Chemistry) and Part 2 (Biology).
In 2014, the first part (Physics and Chemistry) will be held from 9.00 A.M to 11.00 A.M. The second part (Math) will be held from 12.00 P.M. to 1.00 P.M. The Biology exam will be held from 2.30. P.M. to 3.30 P.M.
Each subject (Physics, Math, Biology and Chemistry) will consist of 60 questions. You will appear for a total of 180 questions depending upon your subject choices (240 if you’re attempting both Math and Biology).
In any paper, please attempt as many questions as possible as there will be no negative marking.
Your ranking will be based on your score in the Odisha JEE. Separate rank lists will be published for each course.
What do you do after you get your results?
Your goal is to get admission in a suitable course at a suitable college. The OJEE test result becomes the basis for the admission.
Once the results are announced, you will have to participate in an online counseling procedure which is conducted by the Employment and Technical Education & Training (ETET) Department, Government of Odisha through the following website:
After you register on the OJEE website, you will need to select the courses and colleges you wish to join in order of preference. You will have to mark your choices/preferences based on two main factors:
1. The colleges and courses you seek.
2. The colleges and courses that are likely to admit you based on your rank. Go through the ranks that were admitted by a particular college last year for your course. You can obtain the ranks of last year from the counseling website.
Base your decision on these two factors and make multiple choices to ensure that you receive an admission. There is no limit on the number of choices you can submit.
It’s equally important to rank your choices correctly. The highest level choice with an available seat will be allotted to you.
Once you fill your choices, you will have to report at the designated ‘Nodal Center’ and get your documents verified as well as pay the counseling fee and university registration fee. You also have to confirm/lock your choices at the nodal center.
Once you’re allotted a seat, you will need to report to the institute in due time and get your documents verified as well as submit the admission fee to confirm your seat.
For further information regarding the counseling procedure, please visit the following websites: and
What are the prospects?
The Odisha JEE also known as OJEE is a very important state level entrance exam in Odisha. It is attempted by many students annually. The Odisha JEE provides students with the opportunities to pursue courses in Medicine (Homeopathy and Ayurveda)and Pharmacy.
There are many colleges and institutions within Odisha that admit students on the basis of their Odisha JEE marks. To see the colleges that admitted students on the basis of their Odisha JEE marks, please visit the following website:
Important Dates for Odisha JEE 2014:
Last Date for fill – up of Online Application Forms | 15.03.2014 |
Date of Download of Admit Card begins from | 20.04.2014 |
Date of Examination | 11.05.2014 |
Declaration of Result (Tentative) | 1st week of June, 2014 |