Career prospects and academic options for graduates with a B.Sc. in Physics
Careers that use your academic knowledge | |
Industries that hire | Roles you get |
Education, Food Manufacturing Industry, IT Industry, Pharmaceuticals, Healthcare, Aviation Industry. | Teacher, Physicist, Research Assistant, Astronomer, Software Programmer, Software Developer, Systems Analyst. |
Careers that do not use your academic knowledge | |
Industries that hire | Roles you get |
Sales and Operation Jobs, Advertising, Media Houses, Government Jobs. | Entry – level Manager, Sales Executive, Marketing Trainee, Client Servicing, PR Executive, Entry – level Government Official. |
Courses that are related to your Bachelors degree |
M.Sc. – Physics, Master’s in related fields like Aviation, IT, Computer Science etc. |
Courses/Exams that are not related to your Bachelors degree |
M.B.A, Law, Combined Defense Services Exam, Civil Services. |
We tend to think that our career paths are influenced by our knowledge obtained through our education alone. The reality is that a vast majority of people build their careers relying more on their self acquired skills and interests. If you can talk well, get along with people, persuade others on your point of view, analyze situations, look at things creatively, help others in need, or do things methodically, you can build a great career relying just on these basic abilities that you may have acquired unknowingly doing the things that you like to do inside or outside your academic curriculum. These traits may or may not get you your initial career break immediately after graduating, but they will certainly help you build a good career after you start working. As for getting the first break after graduating, all you need to do is to explore the career opportunities out there, identify the one that interests you, assess if you have the basic skills to do well in it, then learn and read everything you can find about the industry and role of your interest. Armed with this focus and learning, you can approach and pursue companies through the job openings they advertise. Those that follow this approach, find jobs. Problem happens when we are unable to decide what we want and remain stranded at the crossroads. No body can know for sure straight up the exact area of work that they are made for. But those that make a rough assessment, set a goal and work towards it put into motion a process of discovery that gets them where they should be.